Sunday, December 16, 2007

Celebration of Me

The reason I am writing is in honor and celebration of what I like to call "Me Day". This is my third annual celebration of "Me Day" which began on December 16, 2005. I have included a little blurb to describe the purpose of this day:
“Me Day” is not one of these selfish, individualistic, Americanized worship sessions of ME. Rather it is a day of humility that celebrates all the good that God has done in my life. Much like the Jewish festival of Purim, it celebrates God saving me out of the hands of my enemies and bringing me into His glory. It is a recognition that I was created by the Almighty and powerful God, who is the creator of the entire universe. It is a recognition that I am good because God is good and that God created me just the way that I am. No matter what anybody says, I am holy because God is holy, I am redeemed because God redeems, and I am good because God is good. This is not a celebration of my perfection, but a humble recognition that the one who saved me has promised to continue saving, healing, and redeeming me so that someday I may stand in His perfection and glory, unashamed.
I truly believe that every Christian should celebrate a day like this on whatever day (for whatever reason) is special to them. If we all did that, and let others join in the celebration, there would never be a day that we would not rejoice in what God has done, is doing, and will do in our lives.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Christian Values Displayed Through Credit Offer

I recently received the following offer from my alma mater, a Christian Liberal Arts College:

You can always carry more than one credit card. So why not
carry the card that lets you show your school pride. Plus, you
show your support every time you use it to make a purchase.
Now, the only officially-approved credit card for your
organization is offered by Bank of America. With superior
benefits and service, and no annual fee, it costs you
nothing to respond. Request yours today!

Hi! We know you have shelled out between $40,000 and $80,000 in undergraduate costs. We also realize that you are probably stuck in a low wage job because we have very few career placement services and you graduated with a liberal arts degree from a no name college. In addition, you are probably recently married because our marriage placement services our excellent. However, we would like you to support your alma mater with your increasing amounts of debt. We want you to completely buy into the American Dream of going further and further into debt by making as many frivolant purchases on futile products as possible. Please apply for this card so we can get YOUR money today! Remember: JESUS WILL BLESS YOU!